System gxwurEmq Software Log Book SearchTarget Tms Rmn `D|D|M "bbox" c"Text" c"Help" "Back" "History" "Search" "Open" "Save "Import..." "Export..." "Change Printer..." "About Toolbook..." "Undo" "Clear" "Select All" g Report..." iSoftware Log Book..." c"File" "&Sort By Vendor Title" c"Edit" "&Word AboutSoftwareLogBook "about" SortByVendorTitle WordSearch SysError ("Enter SearchTarget xfound" f"OK" AboutSoftwareLogBook enterBook SortByVendorTitle WordSearch enterBook sizeToPage History Search Save as Import... Export... Change Printer... About Toolbook... Clear Select All Print Report... About Software Log Book... &Sort By Vendor Title &Word Search AboutSoftwareLogBook about SortByVendorTitle WordSearch Enter word to search for... cancel SearchTarget not found Search text not found! `D|D| `D|D| to search for... cancel SearchTarget not found Search text not found! For those who hate to hunt for the important facts about their software. Now it can all be here! Enjoy! SortByVendorTitle WordSearch Enter word to search for... cancel SearchTarget not found Search text not found! not found Search text not found! System `D|D| Company Name Software Vendor's Name Company Address Software Vendor's Addresss date bought Software Title(s), Version Number(s), Product Description(s) Company Phone Numbers Software Vendor's Phone Numbers: Customer Servicee Technical Support FAX Lineme Company Address Product Serial Number(s) This Toolbook application is SHAREWARE. You are encouraged to evaluate this program. If you find it useful, please register your copy by paying nominal fee of $10. Thank you. Registrations, comments, and suggestions can be sent to: Dane Basch (Headfirst Software) 2811 SW Archer RD Apt. K-99 Gainesville, FL 32608 CIS #: 72027,3036 America On Line: DaneBasch Sending in your fee will entitle you to receive a copy of this program without this "Beggar's Box."app Continuation "bbox" buttonUp buttonUp Continue "about" buttonUp buttonUp about Company Name Software Vendor's Name Company Address Software Vendor's Addresss date bought Software Title(s), Version Number(s), Product Description(s) Company Phone Numbers Software Vendor's Phone Numbers: Customer Servicee Technical Support FAX Lineme Company Address Product Serial Number(s) about Software Log Book, Version 2.00 This catalog is intended as a means to keep track of vital information about your software's serial numbers, phone support numbers, version numbers, manufacturer, and any other such information that you need. Never dig in a pile of manuals again! "About" buttonUp buttonUp About AboutSoftwareLogBook "about" AboutSoftwareLogBook AboutSoftwareLogBook about Log Book for Software 2.b`aR start Send Next buttonUp buttonUp Start Log Book for Software This Toolbook application is SHAREWARE. You are encouraged to evaluate this program. If you find it useful, please register your copy by paying nominal fee of $10. Thank you. Registrations, comments, and suggestions can be sent to: Dane Basch (Headfirst Software) 2811 SW Archer RD Apt. K-99 Gainesville, FL 32608 CIS #: 72027,3036 America On Line: DaneBaschhhhhhasch Continuation "bbox" buttonUp buttonUp Continue start Send Next buttonUp buttonUp Start Log Book for Software about Software Log Book, Version 2.00 This catalog is intended as a means to keep track of vital information about your software's serial numbers, phone support numbers, version numbers, manufacturer, and any other such information that you need. Never dig in a pile of manuals again! "About" buttonUp buttonUp About